Thursday, 27 September 2012


My name is Carlota and I'm at Casa Nostra school in Banyoles. Casa Nostra is a big school. There are only one hundred students here. It's school for boys and girls. They are ten or elewen teacher's at school. I'm interested sport are there is a small gymnasiu. There are also two exellent teachers. I love science and maths, a big science laboratory. I like ICT too, and there are computers very moderns.



Did you use any resources?  Yes, I did, I use a Power Point.
Where the resources relevant and attractive?
The resources where relevant and attractive.

Did you show/talk about the photos to the audience? Yes, I show and talk about the photos to the audience.

Did you lok at the audience most of the time? Yes, I did.
Did you read from your notes? I think I read a lot.
Did you do any gestures/movement to hold the attention of your audience? Yes I did some gestures / movement to hold the attention of your audience,

Did you organize your ideas in order of importance? Yes I organize my ideas In oreder of importance.
Did you use discourse markers to make your ideas more clear? Yes I did.
Which ones? First, then and finally.

Did you introduce interesting information to your audience? Yes, I did.
Did you look up information/ideas in the internet/facts/books...? No, I didn't.
Was your information more superficial or more detailed and original? The information was detailed. But w/asn't superficial and original.  
Did you check your grammar? (verbs, word order...) Yes, I did.
Did you use rich/new vocabulary looking up dictionary? Yes, I did.
(synonyms/new words/expressions...) Wich ones?
Did you use sentences linkers? (and, but, moreover, also, furtheremore, although, hower...) Yes, I did.
Did you use fillers? (well, you know, for example, one second, repeating a word...) No, I didn't.
Did you know how to pronunce all your words? No, I didn't.
Did you check the pronunciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the teacher? Yes, I did.
Did you change you tone of voice or use a monotone all the time? Yes, I did.
Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions? I use a interruptions.
What mark did you get? 7.

I went to Estartit for one week with my family. Those days we were in our apartament. We got up at 11 o'clock, and we went to the beach, when I we got tired (aproximatly 4 o'clock) we were home. We went relaxing at home, and then we went for a walk. At night we went to the bowling, it was fantastic! 

Then I stayed for two weeks in Palamos with my parents and my sister Tània. Those days we were in an apartament of flats called “Ancora”. We stayed on the beach or went sailing. One day we went to Calella and had dinner in a very beautiful restaurant near the sea. We ate a delicious paella. It was fantastic! And one night we went to the cinema and the bowling too!

When I returned from Palamos, I went out with my friends almost every day. We went to the lake or the park of la Draga. I started the trainnigas and I got ready for a new course. 

This is my oral presentation, thank you for listening to me.


Helena: She went one week to Jonquera, after she went to Portaventura with her friends and finally she went to Estartit.
Maria: She went to Mallorca for ten days. After that she staid one day in Girona with her friend and week in Saragossa.
Xènia: In august she went to Gimnastic campus, and September she went to Portaventura.
Elsa: She went three weeks to Sant Antoni de Calonge, after I went  to basketball campus, and finally she returned from Banyoles.
Àlex: He went to Galicia, there he staid a diferents places. After he went to Estartit and Banyoles.
Joan: First he went to Sant Antoni de Calonhe and after I went to six days in Núria.
Pere: He went two weeks in Plymouth hIr friends. And finally I went to Venecia.
Marçal: He went two weeks in Plymouth his friends. And second he went to Platja d'Aro.
David: He staid in Banyoles.
Laia: She went one week to Jonquera. I returned in Banyoles and finally I went to Montseny.